Get On With It

“I cannot stop the problems; I cannot stop the rain—but I can carry an umbrella.”
Oct 16, 2019
People wonder what they should be doing and are distracted by their problems. Life is happening now; time to get on with it. Excerpted from the video of Prem Rawat in Paris. Full audio or video also available in the Events section of the app and website.

I’m alive! This is not a joke. This is not about a debate. This is not about questions. I am alive! My goodness, time is, it’s happening! The band is playing; the audience is there; everything is happening—better get on with it. Whatever it is that you’re going to “get on with it,” get on with it!

Instead of, “Uh, what should I be doing? I wonder why I am in this world today. I mean, and oh, what, dah-dah-dah-dah, and there, rah, I need to read that book, and oh, I should go to that place, and oh, I should do this, and oh, I should contact this person, and oh, neh-neh-neh, neh!”

Get with it. Get with it. I am going to say something you may not like, but it is the truth. Two most important things happen in your life: one is birth; one is death. One’s already happened—you’re already here. So, guess what the next one is?

And are you ready for it? Absolutely not. No, nobody’s ready for it. But it’s going to happen. Should you prepare for it? Absolutely not. Should you write a date on your calendar? Absolutely not. But if you’re going to do something, do this. Know the rain will come; be ready to bloom.

Don’t be distracted by death. Don’t be distracted by death. Don’t be distracted by your problems. People go, “Oh, I have a problem.” You know what I say to people? “This problem has bothered other people before you. The problem doesn’t change; the victims do. You are now the new victim—that the same problem is bothering you.”

Do you want to be the victim? If you don’t know yourself, you are vulnerable to becoming a victim of all these problems. If you know yourself, you have the strength, and you are no longer vulnerable to the problems of this earth—only if you remember it. If you forget about your strength, you will have a problem.

Problems will come, but I want to be strong when they come. I cannot stop the problems. When it rains, I cannot stop the rain, but I can carry an umbrella. That’s my philosophy: carry an umbrella. And when it starts raining, open it.

And what will it do? Will it stop the rain? No. It’ll stop you from getting wet. That’s all it’ll do. That’s good. That’s what you want. That’s what you need.

- Prem Rawat


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