Remembering Hiroshima

“Wars are still happening….But every human being taking on that responsibility of knowing themselves, and establishing peace for themselves, that’s the only solution that has not been tried.” - Prem Rawat
Oct 12, 2018
At 8:15 am 6th August 1945, the world’s first atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, resulting in the estimated loss of 140,000 lives by the end of 1945.

Prem Rawat:

Just imagining that day—because people got up in the morning—and I don’t think anybody was really expecting to die... Going about their business.... Standing here today, looking at that, I wonder, “What have we learned? When something like this can happen where, instantly, hundreds of thousands of people are just wiped out from the face of this earth?”

And it isn’t just those people that are wiped out. It is their generation that they would have given birth to, and that generation, and that.... The wars are still happening. And there’s no one thing that’s going to solve the problem.

Onscreen text:

Prem Rawat, Peace Ambassador

Prem Rawat:

But every human being taking on that responsibility of knowing themselves, and establishing peace for themselves, that’s the only solution that has not been tried.

And here, the river still flows—and here’s a tree, and here’s that building, a reminder—we are human. And we are on this beautiful planet Earth, and there has to be some understanding of what it means to really be alive. We have woken up to the world, but we haven’t woken up to life!

[rings bell four times]

Onscreen text:

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

Cenotaph for the A-Bomb victims

Flame of Peace

Atomic Bomb Dome

The Hall of Remembrance

Bell of Peace

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