Investing in Yourself

“I’m talking about a joy that emanates from your heart as a human being—where you get to a point in your life where you just start enjoying life, not what’s happening in your life, enjoying life itself.”
Aug 26, 2019
All your life you have invested in your education, recreation, career and social life. If you want joy—you have to invest in yourself. Excerpted from video of Prem in Paris. Full audio or video also available in the Events section of the app and website.

We’re going to be talking about seeds. One thing to understand: you work every day. At first, you worked on playing. For this, you needed toys. Hopefully your parents got you toys; maybe you had more toys than you wanted, that you could have a better time with, but at first you wanted to play.

Then you started going to school, and you invested in your education. Your parents invested, but you did too; you had to go every day, carry your homework, do all the things. So you invested in your education.

After that, you came out and you invested in getting a job. And now you invest, every day, in your financial welfare by having a job—by having a job, by taking care of that investment. You come home; you bring the money; you try to invest that—whatever! But you are, one way or the other way, invested.

And your life is how it is. But you know that you need that job to keep that money going. So you invest every day: get up in the morning, go to your job, take care of it, try to do as well as you can, so on and so forth.

So the issue here is that you know you have to invest—in your job, in your friends—well, same thing with your friends,the time you spend on your phone answering all your friends. Your investment—it’s your investment, whether it is energy you invest, whether it is time that you invest, time and energy that you invest—you invest!

Oh, yeah, by the way, we are here to talk about peace. We are here to talk about the possibility of this desert blooming. Aren’t we? How invested are you in peace? You want peace, no? How invested are you? What investment do you make? Every day?

You want clarity in your life? How invested are you in clarity? You want joy in your life? How invested are you in joy? You want understanding in your life. How invested are you in understanding in your life? You want to know yourself. Well, how have you invested into knowing yourself?

How do you invest? What have you done to bring a little peace in your life, bring a little joy, a true joy?

Not that that kind of joy where you go with your friends for a few minutes—and you have your, you know, wine and beer—and whatever they show; they have advertisements of this. And then they have their beer, saying, “It doesn’t get any better than that,” and then everybody wakes up with a hangover.

Not that kind of joy; I’m talking about a joy that emanates from your heart, as a human being—as a human being—where you get to a point in your life where you just start enjoying life, not what’s happening in your life.

You see the difference between the two? Where you actually just start enjoying life itself—the coming and going of this breath, you being on this earth, you being alive, you being able to see, you being able to feel—not what you feel, but enjoying feeling; not loving somebody, but enjoying the love; not enjoying listening to a record, but enjoy listening. Enjoy listening….

I’m not talking about enjoying a particular thing. I’m talking about enjoying being alive.

- Prem Rawat

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