My Version of Divine

Undefinable? Absolutely. Un-comprehensible? Absolutely. And within you? Absolutely.
Apr 18, 2019
What’s your idea of “divine”? A 100-year-old man with long, flowing robes? Don't let all your imagination come from one painting.

My Version of Divine

I don't know what concept you have if I use the word "Divine." I don't know what it will conjure up in your mind. I don't know. A 65-year-old man with gray hair, maybe older. 100-year-old man, gray hair. Long white beard, long flowing robes.

I mean, you know, don't let all your imagination come from just one painting. I asked somebody the other day. I said, "You know if you had to be an age for the rest of existence— I mean for the rest of existence for everything—what age would that be?" 70? 80? 90? 100? And the conclusion was 25.

I mean, that's young. You can see things; you can hear things, you can actually go for a walk and come back. You can actually remember things.

You know, when it starts to get to like the 50s, forget it. Memory goes south—I mean it's like "huh?" And you say to yourself, "I will remember that. That's important, I will remember that." Fifteen minutes later, "What was it that I was supposed to remember?"

This is 50. You remember that you were supposed to remember. A little bit further down the line, you don't even remember what it is that you forgot. All you remember is, you forgot. What? You don't know. And once you get close to 70, you don't really care what you forgot, what you remember, what it is, what it isn't. It doesn't matter.

So somebody in their imagination portrays the divine as 100 years old. Wshh! I mean in one way that would explain a lot of things. "Gee! I forgot I was supposed to save those people down there. Ugh! Well, anyways. You know, at a 100 I don't even know what I was supposed to remember."

You go up there, and it's like, "But God, you know, I was calling you." "You were?"

But here, my version of the divine is very different: that it is that power that creates. And it is that power that destroys and it is that power that makes sure that everything happens—not just here on earth, but in the entire universe. It is the power that makes the sunshine. It is the power that contains everything.

Undefinable? Absolutely. Un-comprehensible? Absolutely. And within you? Absolutely.

- Prem Rawat

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