Understanding Finite and Infinite

Knowing that the infinite is in you brings you hope. That infinite is bigger than the sum of your problems at any given time.
Jan 28, 2023
Your problems are nothing compared to the infinite. Be fascinated by the part of you that won’t become obsolete.

There are two parts to you. There are two parts to you. And this composition is what makes you human. And one is the infinite. And one is the finite.

Right now, you have very little understanding about the infinite, extremely little. I mean, pathetic. And you have a tremendous amount of information on the finite. You know, (poof!) about your pots, your pans, your spoons, your rug, your house, your brick, your this, this – everything that is finite, more or less, you know about.

And you’re fascinated. You’re fascinated by the finite. (Well, I know I am.) Say, I’m walking by a shop and I see televisions on the showroom; it’s like, “Whoa, like, where’s the latest and the greatest?” And of course, you know, we get that; we see a new thing that has been invented and we’re like, “Wow, that’s really cool. That’s going to have a profound impact.”

I mean, it wasn’t that long ago, you couldn’t put those phones, (the cell phones that they had), you couldn’t put them in your pocket. And today you can watch movies! You can see another person. You can have conference calls. Amazing, but (hah-hah-hah!). But, it’s all information that you have about the finite.

That phone of yours is finite; I’m really sorry to tell you this, but your phone is finite. And if the manufacturers of the phone have anything to do with manufacturing and designing those phones, they have made sure that they are finite. Obsolescence is built right into them, so they will become obsolete.

And obsolescence, (oh boy), is built into you too. You will become obsolete. You will! It’s by design! So! Now, let’s talk about this other thing – that is also a part of you, but you have no knowledge of such. And it is called “the infinite.”

Knowing that infinite is in you brings you hope. It is bigger – that infinite is bigger than the sum of your problems at any given time. That infinite, to it, all the problems of this world, (your problems inclusive), have no significance; they don’t mean anything to it.

This coronavirus means nothing to the infinite. Absolutely nothing. All these human beings on the face of this earth freaking out: “Ab-ab, aie-aie-aie, what’s going to happen; what’s going to happen” means nothing!

You must understand the one fundamental rule: to the infinite, you mean nothing. To you, the infinite means everything. To the finite, you mean nothing! And to you, it means a lot. (Perspective.) This is what being a human is all about. You would gladly sit down and say, “Oh my God, this is so wonderful; the infinite really cares about me” – no. The timeless?

You are bound by time. Nothing happens to you, you cannot do anything that is not in time. Do you think the timeless works that way? So then, why is it called “timeless”? Why is it called “infinite”? You going from here to there means whatever it means to you – but to the infinite, it means nothing.

But to you, to you, that infinite means everything. To you, that infinite means everything. And knowing yourself is a part of that equation – that to me, knowing that timeless, knowing that infinite means everything, and I’ve got to pay attention in my life.

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