
Jan 11, 2019
In life, do you put your zeroes to the left or the right?

Visible, captioned onscreen: nix, nada, none, naught, 0


Another word for zero? Nothing?

Individual: Nil.

Individuals: Nil

Individual: Nothing?

Individual: Or, zilch.

Individual: Empty?

Individual: Void!

Individual: Zip!

Individual: Empty.

Individual: Well, is zero empty? Oh, or…

Individuals: Yeah!

Individual: Pretty much.

Individual: Is it though?

Individual: Yeah.

Prem Rawat:

And there was a time where they had no idea about zero. Zero did not exist. Math was difficult.

Visible onscreen: BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

Prem Rawat:

So, Indian Indians came up with zero.

Voices: Ah? Ooh! Ohhh!

Visible, captioned onscreen: oooh! ahhh! GASP!

Prem Rawat:

It is the absolute. It is everything—without being anything!

Individual: The power of zero. Hmm....

Individual: Infinite.

Individual: All and nothing at the same time, no?

Individual: It’s a number that’s not really a number. It’s... idea more than a number.

Individual: It’s hard to talk about nothing.

Individual: Mathematically, you multiply anything by zero, you get zero.

Individual: When you add zero to something, the result doesn’t change.

Individual: That’s getting deep.

Individual 2: It’s the power of zero....

Individual: I mean, it’s hard to conceptualize, right?—for us, because we see everything as something.

Prem Rawat:

Imagine accepting zero. Not easy.

Visible, captioned onscreen: Pst! Zero.
No! Really?!
! !

Prem Rawat:

World changed. Zero became a common thing.

Visible, captioned onscreen: O!
0% DOWN!

Some basic (elementary) rules for dealing with the number 0:

Addition: x + 0 = 0 + x = x

Subtraction: x – 0 = 0 and 0 – x = -x

Multiplication: x . 0 = 0 . x = 0

Division: 0/x = 0


Prem Rawat:

Explanation for the infinite comes as zero? It is no entity, and yet, it is incredible entity.

Visible onscreen: 0, nothing, everything

Prem Rawat:

I mean, this zero! Fascinating!

Visible, captioned onscreen: How can nothing be something?

Individual: I think if you were like, you were to attach some sort of feeling to zero, it would be sadness, right?

Individual: Yeah.

Individual: I don’t know.

Individual: No, but I don’t necessarily think it’s sadness. Like, I think it’s....

Individual: I’ll vote for, more like silence.

Individual: Silence!

Individual: We have to be very, very still. Or we have to ... think a lot—or not at all. Then we can experience it.

Individual: Maybe it’s something too great to feel...

Prem Rawat:

When you are feeling perfectly healthy...


Prem Rawat:

...what do you feel? I mean, no pain. Your pants are too tight; they’re not too loose. Your shoes are perfect. No headache, no arm ache, no pain anywhere. What do you feel? Zero! We all know when you have to go to the bathroom, you feel something: “Oooh-ooh!” But when you actually don’t have to go to the bathroom, what does it feel like? Zero!

Individual: You’re right!

Individual: Does that mean you are in zero?

Individual: feel the absolute freedom?

Individual: The feeling of zero has to come from a living experience.

Individual: Like a state of contentment, a state of satisfaction when you aren’t lacking anything in particular.

Individual: Zero is cool!

Music lyrics: Let’s go! ... three, six, nine....

Prem Rawat:

How can you feel this zero? Well, there is such a thing called “Knowledge” which works beautifully to let you feel the zero. The Knowledge of the self is more important than all the knowledge of this world. It’s no different than the relationship of one and zero. If zero comes first, and then one? One stays one; zero stays zero. Add another zero, no change. Add another zero, no change. Add another zero, no change. You can add a thousand zeroes, no change. One will stay one; zero stays zero.

Add one first, and every zero takes on a meaning.

Music, lyrics: One more time....

Prem Rawat:

Now, one doesn’t stay one, it becomes ten. Add another zero, and becomes a hundred. Add another zero, and becomes thousand. And so on, and so on, and so on, and so on. Knowledge of the self, first. And then, everything else.

Individual: All the great Masters talk about, you know, nothingness, and ... and ... and how that everything is nothing.

Individual: It sounds negative. But that’s a concept of society, I think. It’s—it depends on how you look at it.

Individual: It depends where you put it... right or left. As they say, ‘A zero on the left is no good at all.”

Individual: Without it, nothing would be complete.

Visible, captioned onscreen: I’m #1

Prem Rawat:

You are the one. When you give priority to everything else, you remain one. Nothing happens. But when you give priority to being fulfilled in your life, then comes all the zeroes. It’s no longer just one. It’s ten, hundred, hundred thousand, million, trillion. Simple math. It’s a matter of priority. That’s all it is—it’s just where you put the one, and where you put the zero. That’s all.

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